
Top Tips for a Retail Property Leasing Strategy

When it comes to leasing a retail property today, the challenges of the property market and the retail sector impose a lot of pressure on both shopping centre landlords and retail tenants. As retail leasing experts, we need to comprehensively understand the local property market in our location.

Given that the retail property segment is under some pressure from the shifts in customer and shopping behaviour, we now need tenants that are more suitable for prevailing and future levels of trade.

Some tenants have been significantly impacted by Internet generated shopping. That being the case, those tenants may not need to disappear from the existing tenancy mix, but they do need to go through some adjustment relative to ongoing occupancy. Relocation or contraction may be an alternative.

Here are some of the alternatives available as adjustments in a retail property.

  1. Identify the successful sales patterns behind your anchor tenants. Is likely that the specialty tenants can complement the anchor tenant offering.

Potential Areas For Real Estate Investment

Investing in real estate is one of the best things anyone can ever do. This is the kind of investment that will bring you profits in the long-run. Shelter is one of the basic human needs. With the way population is growing, there will always be need for shelter. This may be in form of a home for a family to live in or even an office where people can carry out their businesses. Shelter is very important in life. This shows you how investing in buildings is a lucrative and wonderful venture.

Stated below are some potential areas where people can invest in real estate:

Housing For Human Settlement - As stated earlier, the population of the human race is growing so fast. For example, China has over 1 billion people. Africa has also got the same population. These numbers are always on the increase. There are more births than deaths. This means more housing will be required. Depending on the area, investing in housing for human settlement is a worthwhile investment. A good example to use is that of educational institutions. When an educational institution like a college or a university is starting, the most probable outcome is that more students will be enrolled each year, each semester or each trimester. Good real estate investors will put up apartments or hostels near the university because the university may not be able to cater for all the students.

The Advantages of Investing in Real Estate

Have you considered investment opportunities such as stocks, bonds, futures, currency trading or other financial devices but were too wary to invest because of the risk. Then you should look into investing in real estate as an alternative way to build your wealth and provide financial security. Also real estate is an asset that you can see, touch, examine so it is easier to understand its value and worth.

Financial investments tend to be more risky due to the volatility of trading markets and their frequent day-to-day fluctuations. Growing your wealth by investing in real estate tends to be a more stable and robust investment not subject to market whims. Also real estate tends to be a great investment in a weaker economy as more and more people will be unable to afford a mortgage on a house thereby creating a larger pool of renters and more potential income. Of course most renters may want a home of their own and are unable to afford a mortgage but they still want a decent and affordable place to live.

It is well-known that real estate will increase in value, depending in the market where the property resides. So as the value of your real estate increases over time does your potential income. This is not necessarily a guarantee and is dependent on many factors, including where the property is, the type of property, age of the property, upkeep and other factors. But investing in a good, stable property will increase the odds that your property will increase in value as time goes on.

Considerations to Think About When Looking for Land for Sale

You are looking for land for sale in order to build your dream home on it. The time has come to purchase a block of land to call your own. The good news is because you are not buying a house but a piece of land for sale you do not have to concern yourself about quality issues related to construction and such things as style or color schemes.

Purchasing land for sale however is not a simple process but can be relatively complex. The choice of land is key to building a custom made dwelling. There are plenty of decisions to make and a number of details to think about.

The size of the land is something that many people think about but the shape of the site is also important as well. Depending on the kind of house you wish to build you may choose to go with wide blocks, deep blocks are irregular blocks. If you decide that you want to select angular, battle-axe or elongated blocks then this can present some problems for the novice. If you take this route with the land for sale that you wish to purchase then you are better off hiring a builder or expert architect to maximize the blocks in order to ensure that no space ends up getting wasted.

Building or Purchasing Your First Real Home

They say that building a home is one of the most stressful decisions you will make. Unlike the purchase of your first family car, this huge financial commitment will quite obviously be a decision made carefully, to meet all of your expectations and of course stay within budget. There are endless questions to be answered, who is a reputable builder, how much space is necessary, is there a need for a 3rd bathroom, should a basement be finished... the list goes on. The future however is bright; let's take a look at some important facts that will help with your first custom dream home purchase.

What can you afford?

It would be nice to think that the cost of renting will be the same as owning a home, unfortunately we must consider other contributing facts such as property taxes, PMI insurance, down payment, and of course the actual mortgage. Analyze your income, debts, college loans or similar. Combine not just your own, but your partner or family. Remember, a home purchase is a team decision. If you have a reasonably good credit record, but your partner may not, this ultimately will affect chances of acquiring a bank loan. In some situations it might be beneficial to have a financial advisor (unless your education just happens to be in this industry). As a first time home buyer there may be some obstacles on applying for the loan from your bank.

4 Things To Consider Before Selling Your Home

When beginning the process of selling your home, normal questions like how to get the best price for my property and whether or not to use a real estate agent immediately come to mind for most sellers. Whether you're a first time home seller or a seasoned home selling veteran the process of selling a home will inevitably be challenging and complex. The best plan for any home seller is to prepare a home selling strategy before putting a home on the market. In this article you will be a given a home sale strategy that will help get you moving in the right direction.

1. Why Sell Your Home? - Before selling your home, it is essential to know and understand why you've decided to sell. Homeowners choose to sell their homes for many different reasons. Common reasons are because they've outgrown the home, they've changed jobs, or something as simple as they need a change of scenery. No matter what the reason may be, a home seller should always be aware of what their motivation is to sell their home. Understanding the motives to sell will make difficult parts of the real estate transaction more tolerable.

2. What's The Home's Value? - The first thing every home seller wants to know is how much their home is worth. Knowing the value of your house is usually the most important factor in the decision of whether or not to sell a home. The two most reliable ways to determine a property's value are 1) opinions from real estate agents and 2) appraisals. A real estate agent can usually tell you what the home will sell for and the appraisal can give you an idea of how much the property will appraise for when the new buyers attempt to obtain a mortgage. Sellers are always shocked and upset when their house appraises below the asking price or agreed upon sale price because the end result is usually a price reduction by the seller. The best way to avoid future disappointment is researching value before listing.

An Easy Way To Sell A Property Fast

Do you need to sell your property quickly? Put off by the very thought of realtors and visitors tramping through your house? Follow this easy guide to selling your property fast.

There is an option to the conventional route on the subject of selling your house. You can use one of the various professional companies that offer to purchase your property so that you are not at the mercy of a chain, or having to pay large fees to agents and lawyers.

Decide how quick you need to sell your house. Most fast sale companies can finish the purchase of your property within just 30 days. If you wish to sell earlier than that, just say so, they will usually set up a faster purchase. If you are selling your home because you are moving unexpectedly or because you are in financial trouble, set a realistic timetable and ask the company whether they can stick with it.

Determine how much you will accept for your house You might not get the full open-market price for the house as you would with a real estate agent, but you do not have to pay realtor fees and the entire procedure is quicker therefore you save money on home loan and bill payments. Evaluate the current market value of houses like yours in the same area and decide just how much you are prepared to accept from a professional buyer, keeping in mind the other cost savings you are likely to make.

Apartments - Three Considerations When Renting

You need a place to stay. You open up your local guide to apartments and start flipping through the listings. Chances are, you're mostly looking at price. This is a natural starting point for many potential renters, but it hardly tells the whole story. If you're going to live in a place - even for as short as a year - you should be confident about the decision. There are three things that you should take into consideration when looking for a place to live.


The majority of the time, you're not going to find a really nice set of apartments in a really low class neighborhood. Still, it does happen and you need to be aware of the possibility. Regardless of gates, security, and a facade of beauty, a complex in the middle of a downtrodden area is not going to be a great place to live. On the other hand, a shady looking complex that happens to be in the middle of a wonderful area of town may very well be much safer than it appears. Location is key when determining where to live. In addition to safety concerns, of course, you'll also want to consider how close you are to work and your favorite shopping areas.

3 Things to Consider When Buying Residential Real Estate for Renting

Are you planning to invest some money in a residential rental property? This is a very good time to invest in real estate because the industry seems to be in an upswing, recovering from really low prices. While the price of the property you purchase is indeed very important, there are many other things that you have to consider in order to ensure that the deal is profitable in the long term as well as short term.

Keep the following tips in mind when buying real estate for renting out:

- What is the amount rent you can expect? You need to be assured of a rate of return that is at least more than the rate of interest offered by banks. Certain types of properties will offer you better returns than others but they might also cost more. A related factor is whether the property will continue to give returns over a long time.

How to Invest Using Creative Property

Know your exit strategy

When you are doing creative property transactions you need to be aware that sometimes it is better to make just a small amount of money and move a deal on quickly rather than try to put the deal together yourself. In these circumstances you need other people who form part of your team.

I call them property partners. These are people that I can refer business to and I have an arrangement with them that if I send them business, then they pay me a referral fee. For example, a real estate agent, pest and building inspectors or accountants etc.

Before you go into a creative property transaction you need to have a good idea of what your exit strategy will be for that particular transaction. You may or may not have a 100% exit strategy at this point but you need to at least have a rough idea. For example, you have found a person who wants to sell their property. They have already had it with 1 agent and they come across you from your marketing.